Of Course I Struggle

I saw this post today and it really resonated with me. I have been guilty of it myself. Looking at other artists pages and thinking how lucky they are, how easy it must have been. I’ll bet their parents paid for college or supported their love for art and nurtured their talent. I’ll bet they didn’t have to work 60 hours a week or charge their credit card for gas and groceries. In some cases, it’s probably true. I think the real truth though, is that about 98% of the time, I’m wrong.

We all have our struggles and just because someone only posts smiling photos, does not mean they have been cherry picked by the divine creator, God, Universe, whatever you wanna call it; to lead the easiest, luckiest life. The real strength lies in not giving up. There may be days you lie in bed, eating donuts and binge-watching Netflix. Let me tell you a crazy big secret….this does not make you a failure. If anything, this makes you emotionally aware because you know when you need a break.

Our bodies are running supercharged on caffeine and outer stimulation constantly looking for the next exciting news piece or post on social media. Your mind can only handle so much. It is important to find time to veg out and let your brain chill. Like you have probably already heard a hundred times, meditation is awesome, but lemme tell ya as someone with ADD, it is extremely difficult. As much as I feel guilt and loathing for myself whenever I finish a new series in a day (I’m working on this guilt thing) it is so important for my creativity. My biggest inspirations come when I am completely zoned out and then all of sudden my brain is like, “Hey while I was chillin, I had this awesome inspirational idea!”

Don’t give up now!!! The best is yet to come! 🥰❤😘 From the outside looking in, it may look happy and wonderful, but we all have our own struggles. Someone posting a smiling photo may have set their phone down and cried for hours. Some days I feel like I have clawed my way out of a muddy hole of despair and disappointment for so long and I’m afraid those little moments of happiness will vanish if I’m not careful! Don’t let the mirage keep you from reaching your destination. Also don’t let others tell you that you’re undeserving of your feelings. Feel the feels and work through your pain, trauma, depression, anxiety, etc.

Our society teaches us its not OK to feel and there’s something wrong with us. That you must go through something so horrific to be allowed to have depression. Yet, it’s the opposite. We are emotional sensitive creatures hiding behind a tough exterior. It isn’t what happened to you that matters, it is how you feel. You cannot compare one persons suffering to another’s. Therapy can be a safe space to work through your emotions without judgement.

Sending you love and hoping you smiled for real today ❤
